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What is freethought, and what should it be?
April 25, 2022 -- Are freethinkers necessarily atheists, or vice versa? If beliefs truly should be formed through evidence and reasoning as freethought holds, then that epistemology, or way of knowing, should strictly be freethought's only presupposition. So can a freethinker believe in God?
Palaszczuk betrayed Queenslanders on vaccine mandates
January 26, 2022 -- On October 21, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said there would be no vaccine mandates for patrons of hospitality and entertainment venues. She betrayed Queenslanders on that commitment just 19 days later.
What’s wrong with a cleaning company claiming it’s done a COVID-19 course and can kill viruses?
April 22, 2020 -- ABC News irrationally tarnished the reputation of a Sydney cleaning company beyond anything it deserved by casting suspicion on some of its truthful and innocent claims in addition to the one correctly identified thing the company got wrong.
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